Accounting and finance faculty
Accounting and Finance Faculty today - is:
· demanded and popular specialties;
· integration of education, science and business;
· the latest educational technologies and modern methods of teaching;
· collaboration with leading educational institutions of Russia;
· highly qualified stuff;
· training of qualified personnel able to influence the innovative development of the country.
Education is provided in the following areas:
Economics (080100.62), Bachelor’s degree, profiles: "Accounting and Auditing", "Taxes and taxation", "Finance and Credit" (duration: full-time – 4 years, correspondence department – 5 years).
Economics (080100.68), Master's degree, profiles: "Banks and Banking", "Accounting and Auditing", "Auditing and Control of Business", "Financial Analyst", "Management Accounting and Controlling," "Budget Accounting and Reporting" (duration: full-time – 2 years, correspondence department – 3 years).
Management (080200.68), Master's degree, profiles: "Financial Management" (duration: full-time – 2 years, correspondence department – 3 years).
Finance and credit (080300.68), Master's degree: "Bank Management", "Corporate Finance" (duration: full-time – 2 years, correspondence department – 3 years).
Specialists training in the field of finance and credit started in the Stavropol State Agricultural Academy at the Faculty of Economics in 1994. In 2003 a new Faculty of Finance and Banking was established. The increased demand for specialists of this profile has led to the need for an independent Accounting and Finance Faculty and it was established in 2011.

Educational training is carried out by specialized departments ("Management Accounting", "Financial Accounting", "Mathematics", "Statistics and Econometrics", "Financial Management and Banking", "Finance, Credit and Insurance", "Economic Analysis and Auditing").

A lot of innovative laboratories operate on the basis of our faculty: "Authorized CA" 1C ","Educational Centre for Professional Accountants ","Mini-Bank", "Insurance Store", "Audit Expert & Project Expert" and others, so students can get the skills in the environment closest to reality.
Strategic partners of the faculty are leading national and international companies and organizations: "Sberbank of Russia", "Russian Agricultural Bank", "VTB", "Price Waterhouse Coopers" (Moscow), KPMG "International", and many others.
Collaboration with the strategic partners gave opportunities for students of Accounting and Finance faculty to do practical training in leading organizations of Russia. It denotes the high quality of education. Training is carried out by 16 Doctors of Science and 64 PhDs. High quality of educational and scientific process is awarded by the European Quality Award (EFQM), as well as the RF Government Prize in the field of quality.

In addition, at the faculty work active auditors and employees of accounting and analytical services of the leading organizations of Stavropol.
Faculty members work closely with the offices of international organizations that support education, entrepreneurship and innovation in order to optimize the interaction with foreign educational institutions under the agreements on exchange programs.
Branches of the faculty and a rich base for practice in all sectors of the economy have been created. Students have the opportunity to have productive pre-diploma practice in 130 leading enterprises and organizations of the Stavropol region and other regions and areas with further employment.
Effective international cooperation of faculty in education, science and innovation is realized through a variety of areas: - Training of the teaching staff abroad; - Participation in scientific conferences and symposia; - Training of students in the program "Erasmus Mundus" and training in the framework of the project «World & Travel» (180 people have been abroad); - Participation of faculty members in the joint distance education of SSAU and the University of Maryland (USA); - Teleconference (together with "1C», KPMG, Warsaw Agricultural University); - Participation in the International Career Day (John Deere, KPMG, Prisewaterhouse Coopers, "Rosgosstrakh"), the International on-line Conference together with scientists from the UK, Poland, USA, Slovakia and Serbia.

Graduates have the opportunity to continue their education in a postgraduate studentship, and then in the doctorate of SSAU, become candidates for a degree of candidate and doctorate in economics.
The broad-based knowledge of graduates, their erudition, deep and full perception of problems requiring rapid solutions, high intellectual potential, professional suitability, ability to manage people is marked in the comments of employers about the studying quality on the faculty. Graduates demonstrate
commercial and analytical abilities, entrepreneurial culture and desire to upgrade knowledge.
Students of the faculty are involved in all cultural events conducted by the Center of Aesthetic Education (contests, concerts, shows, quiz) having intrahigh and outside character.
One of the activities of the Center is volunteer work. On the faculty there is a student dean. This structure supports faculty dean's office in the ongoing events aimed at forming of solid moral personality of the student. Student dean of the faculty helps the young people to find their place in life, to build confidence in themselves.
Educational work at the faculty is not only aimed at enhancing the learning process, but also includes participation in cultural events. Students of the department actively go in for sports.

Students attend scientific groups; participate in scientific conferences and competitions for the best student work. In recent years, students regularly became winners of competitions.
355017, Stavropol, Mira st., 347, Economics and Finance Institute, the 2-nd floor, room № 121 Accounting and Finance Department
Kostyukov Elena Ivanovna
Dean of the accounting and finance faculty,
Academic rank: Professor
Academic degree: doctor of economic science